
Saturday, November 19, 2011

卡扎菲次子赛义夫被捕 在利比亚受审或被判死刑

卡扎菲次子赛义夫被捕 在利比亚受审或被判死刑 【中国经营网综合报道】11月19日,利比亚执政当局证实当日凌晨卡扎菲次子赛义夫·伊斯兰·卡扎菲被捕。"过渡委"称,赛义夫将在利比亚接受审判,但有声音认为,当局应当将赛义夫交由国际刑事法院审判。 据新京报报道,11月 ... 卡扎菲次子赛义夫被捕 在利比亚受审或被判死刑

Spain election: People's party sweeps to crushing victory over Socialists

Spain election: People's party sweeps to crushing victory over SocialistsSpain election: People's party sweeps to crushing victory over Socialists The conservative People's party (PP) of Mariano Rajoy has swept to a landslide victory in Spain's general election, inheriting sky-high unemployment and one of the shakiest economies in Europe. Rajoy's PP gained an absolute parliamentary majority with ... Spain election: People's party sweeps to crushing victory over Socialists


调查称网购比上街购物更费时间 新快报讯 据英国《每日邮报》19日报道,网购曾被赞为是快速无压力的购物方式,但一项最新调查显示,在网上购买衣服所费时间是在商业街购买服装的6倍多!但尽管如此,调查还发现,网购已成为市场销售增长幅度最快的部分 ... 调查称网购比上街购物更费时间

La participación a las seis es del 57,59%, tres puntos y medio inferior a la ...

La participación a las seis es del 57,59%, tres puntos y medio inferior a la ... En Galicia a las seis de la tarde habían votado el 57,13% de los electores, frente al 60'73% que lo habían hecho en el 2008. Esta mañana, Rajoy ha pedido una votación masiva para enviar «un mensaje al mundo» mientras Rubalcaba ha llamado a ir a votar ... La participación a las seis es del 57,59%, tres puntos y medio inferior a la ...

Barcelona win puts pressure on Real Madrid

Barcelona win puts pressure on Real Madrid Barcelona's Lionel Messi, right, watches as the ball slides past Real Zaragoza goalkeeper Roberto in their match in Barcelona, Spain, on Saturday. A stylish Barcelona sent a message to Real Madrid that they are ready to fight to keep their La Liga ... Barcelona win puts pressure on Real Madrid


EGITTO: DOPO GLI SCONTRI, CENTINAIA DI NUOVO A PIAZZA TAHRIR (AGI) - Il Cairo, 20 nov. - Diverse centinaia di persone sono tornate stamane ad occupare piazza Tahrir; e si sono registrati nuovi sporadici scontri tra manifestanti e polizia nelle vicinanze del ministero dell'Interno, in un clima che sembra molto ... EGITTO: DOPO GLI SCONTRI, CENTINAIA DI NUOVO A PIAZZA TAHRIR

Zu stark für Favres dritte Etappe

Zu stark für Favres dritte EtappeZu stark für Favres dritte Etappe Von Andreas Morbach, Mönchengladbach Vom Fast-Absteiger zum Bayern-Jäger: Borussia Mönchengladbach ist die Überraschungsmannschaft der Saison. Gegen Bremen zeigten Marco Reus und Co. erneut berauschenden Offensivfußball - und ließen Trainer Lucien ... Zu stark für Favres dritte Etappe

Jets snapshots: Quality wins breeding hope

Jets snapshots: Quality wins breeding hope By Ted Wyman ,Winnipeg Sun Winnipeg Jets' Andrew Ladd (L) scores past Philadelphia Flyers' goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky during the first period of Winnipeg's 6-4 win Saturday afternoon. (FRED GREENSLADE/Reuters) With three consecutive wins against top ... Jets snapshots: Quality wins breeding hope

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